The Centre has a qualified cook and provides four meals daily, consisting of a nutritionally balanced menu of breakfast, morning tea, a hot lunch, afternoon tea and a late afternoon tea. Full cream milk and light milk is served to suit the daily menu, and fresh water is available throughout the day.
A weekly menu is displayed in the foyer and the daily menu is displayed on centres App.
We cater for children with allergies and dietary requirements and encourage children’s healthy eating and physical activity using a range of fun, play-based learning experiences in consultation with Munch & Move a NSW Health initiative that supports the healthy development of children birth to 5 years.
Due to the increased number of children with an anaphylaxis reaction to nuts the Centre is nut aware. To assist us with this, we ask that your child does not bring any food or drink, of any kind, into the centre. We also ask that if your child has had a nut product to eat before arriving at the Centre that you ensure that they brush their teeth and thoroughly wash their hands before coming into the Centre.
Our menu is approved by Munch & Move (Munch & Move is a NSW Health initiative that supports the healthy development of children birth to 5 years by promoting physical activity and healthy eating.) For more information please visit
Contact Us
Normanhurst Childcare Centre
66 Denman Parade
Normanhurst NSW 2076
Phone: 02 9487 5455